Top 25 Family Blogs
We’ve all heard the saying,“Children don’t come with an instruction manual.” It’s true that parenting is no easy feat, and it was a lot tougher before the days of the internet. However, as the 21st century plows ahead, it’s become increasing clear that children do come with an instruction manual -- and it’s called Google.
There is an endless stream of parenting blogs offering everything from teething advice to reviews on the latest Disney flick, and it may seem a daunting task to narrow them down into a well curated list of sites to turn to when your child has just refinished your hardwood floors with nail polish. Luckily for you, we did all the hard work already.
Without further ado, here is Dibsies’ list of top 25 Family Blogs:
"If I had to fill out a questionnaire about my hobbies it would probably look like this: I love dancing in the kitchen with my daughter, bourbon on the rocks, chips and salsa, Britpop, and television that excels at being really awful."
"You also won’t find us ranting about items we hate or don’t work or just plain suck; however we always tell you what we really we think. For example, the world would be a better place without diaper cakes and comic sans."
Scary Mommy is intended for people who have a sense of humor, an appreciation for sarcasm and who wear panties that don't easily get in a wad."
"If you were looking for a website telling you how to be a dad… You didn’t find it. We aren’t experts in ‘dadology.’ We aren’t even sure such a thing exists. We’re just here to tell you that being a parent sometimes means experiencing things without an authority, letting love and humor get you through. For those other times, we recommend a sturdy helmet"
"Family Focus Blog reports on parenting tips, family fun activities, eco tips, family food, family travel, decor, discounts, and giveaways."
"Dear Crissy is a family and lifestyle magazine and my online diary. It has also blossomed into a wonderful community that I feel so blessed to have as a part of my life. As a blogger and digital influencer, I love sharing my thoughts, favorite recipes, tips and even product picks. Let’s just say that I truly adore my job."
"Our site is the girlfriend you always look forward to bumping into at yoga class. She makes you feel better about yourself and is always in the know. We don't bash women, moms, or the tough choices they make; we share best practices in the hope of making motherhood a lot more fashionable and fun."
“Whether you go by MOM, Mother, Mommy or Mama we all have ONE thing in COMMON – we need other MOMS. 24/7 has been created by MOMS for MOMS who understand that this thing called motherhood can actually be an adventure all on its own – scary yet exciting, challenging yet rewarding, full of ups and downs.”
“As an Alabama native and resident I enjoy sharing Southern food and culture with my Jersey-born husband as well as my readers. Sweet T Makes Three is all about homemaking and hospitality in The Heart of Dixie.”
“I'm a mother to four awesome children who's far from perfect, but I try my best. I'm a total tech geek, social media junky, animal loving, mommy blogger, with too many pets, and an amazing husband. I love to travel and see the world, create recipes, DIY projects, crafts, try new things, meet new people, save money, and share my opinion, successes and struggles. “
“From DIY projects and home tours, to book reviews, family-friendly travel, and discussions about modern parenting. The new generation of mothers (We’re still interested! We’re still interesting!), come to Design Mom to find daily inspiration.”
“I spend the rest of my time avoiding housework and not paying attention to my children raising independent, self-sufficient children. I have no interest in spending all day on the playground (playgrounds are for kids!), and I don’t believe that my children should be the center of my life, even though they’re the most important thing in it. (Yes, I realize that makes no sense, but it couldn’t be more true.) We’re all in this together, but I was here first.”
“I launched my blog that weekend to explain my parenting philosophy: I believe in safety. I LOVE safety — helmets, car seats, safety belts. I believe in teaching children how to cross the street and even wave their arms to be noticed. I’m a safety geek! But I also believe our kids do not need a security detail every time they leave the house. Our kids are safer than we think, and more competent, too. They deserve a chance to stretch and grow and do what we did — stay out till the street lights come on.”
“With our creative juices needing an outlet and young ones consuming our thoughts (and time), we launched Pretty Prudent. It’s a lot of work, but working together was always fun for us anyway. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.”
“A sarcastic mother of three (ages 7, 10, and 11) with a busy home daycare that clashes with my desire to do nothing all day.”
“Here, you might find musings about the impact of the skinny jean on Kristen's self-esteem, her tendency to spill food on her laptop, and her inappropriate crush on Jon Stewart. She also indulges in sleep-deprived rants about parenting, poop, adoption, politics, race, religion, social justice, and various other subjects that her mother warned her not to discuss in public.”
“Fred Goodall started Mocha Dad to chronicle his life as a father and to counter the negative stereotypes regarding black fatherhood. He wanted people to get a first-hand account of a black father who is intimately involved in his children’s lives. Now he uses the blog to not only capture his personal experiences as a father, but also to help motivate other men to be more actively engaged and involved with their children, families, and communities.”
“When I started this site back in 2010 it was just me – haggard and stumbling out of the newborn trenches with a Scarlet O’Hara fist shake “as God a my witness, I will help pregnant women and new parents navigate this!!””
“Dad and Buried, aka Mike Julianelle, is a thirty-something Brooklynite who is sharing his experiences as a father and bitching about the ways the existence of his son – not to mention the myriad responsibilities surrounding that existence – is destroying his social life.”
“My name is Ilana. I’m a working mom from NYC who writes a blog instead of sleeping. I have two daughters. Harlow is 21 months and Mazzy is four and a half. (Don’t forget the half. She will cut you.) If you think you have more adorable children, Mazzy and Harlow will challenge your children to a cuteness contest. Where everyone will automatically tie. Because pitting our kids against each other is totally NOT COOL. (Although I do it all the time.)”
“MomAdvice is a community for women that are looking for ways to stay organized, stay sane, and stay within their budget.”
“I got the keys to this blog in 2007, shortly after I became a mom. My ramblings were tired of being cooped up in the small space of my brain, and the blog market had some great interest rates. So I took the leap, set up Enjoying the Small Things, and threw a welcome mat at the door.”
“Call us geeks, nerdy, or tech-nostalgic fathers, 8BitDad is a site for all lovers of the old school. We share parenthood news stories, science, studies, opinions, lists and videos from around the internet. We do Q&As with some other geeky parent type folks, and talk about our own kids because they’re special snowflakes.”
“OneDad3Girls started off at the end of 2011 and has become a place where we tell our tales about our young family.”
“Parenting is another big one for us. “Live and let live” is the adage that we tend to hold close to our hearts on this site. We support a mother’s right to breastfeed her baby wherever he or she is hungry with or without a cover. We support a mother’s right to formula feed without condemnation. We support the right to practice child-led weaning when it works best for mother and child. Most of all, we support any healthy parenting practice that works best for your family. If you’re on our site you’re probably a rockstar parent and should pat yourself on the back for being so awesome at internet.”